Cause when we meet, its just.................................. different..=)
As much as I hate to admit it. You do brighten up my day, and I think I just rely too much on your existence in my life. =)
I miss you.
July 31, 2011
Tuesday, July 05, 2011
Oh my days. Ive been on my blog for over an hour. Looking through my inspired posts. So yeah, I was just about to head to bed, then realise, its July!and..I need to post something for the month!Well since its still early July anyways. So..Ive only been home for the night today. It feels nice. And omg, as much as I love to stay and blog more, I should really be heading to bed. Cause!its late,and I dont wanna get sick cause of my lack of sleep..-.- so..will try to post something proper sometime soon. For the time being, I just need to keep this blog updated.
July 05, 2011
Fatin Tajuddin
"That's embarassing, that that's the type of person, that I fell in love with. So faaaar in love, so unconditional, that I went back" - Rihanna.♥