Faith's Blog
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Thursday, August 03, 2017

This morning I came across this post talking about A PERSON's experience being dark skinned and that, thankfully I may say, made me write this post. Irrelevant to the entire topic itself, it made think about the time I used to blog, hence this post. My thought after commenting on the aforementioned blog was 'perhaps she just wanted to write something, perhaps she just wants to channel her thoughts to her writing' but it just doesn't come naturally to me to be comfortable with something that just condescends Bruneian (sort of) because I am Bruneian!

But anyhoo, hopping back into my train of thought, I used to love writing, I used to love blogging, I used to blog my heart out, or anything for that matter, just to make sure my blog stays alive. But this stopped after I tried to chase after my passion.

I can't recall if I've ever written it here, but many years ago, when I was still in my teens, dreaming big, with a positive outlook, I was screwed over. Not in like a heartbreaking way, or in a damaging my soul way, but in a 'you-have-to-get-out-of-the-bubble' screw over. Well it was one of the first experiences of being screwed over, and for an instance, it did motivate me to walk through the path I took. As I have mentioned, I used to love writing, I had wanted to venture into journalism or the likes of it. I was blogging my feelings, my thoughts, my every day. Having completed my o levels at that time, I was barely 17, I had wanted to develop my passion, I wanted to experience it first hand. At that time, the logical thing for me was to attempt to place myself in an organisation that might give me this oppurtunity. So I carefully went through this blog, considering which post I should "showcase" to this organisation, drafted out an email, and waited patiently for a response. FOR CLARIFICATION: They never got back to me.

So months after, or perhaps just week after, I flipped through one of the organisations published works, and to my surprise, there it was, my post with a few minor amendments. However, to my dismay, the article was written under a different name. Surely, any other person can have the same idea as I did, but they can't deliver it in the same words, in the same structure as I did. Plus, I recognised my work!I developed the words, I developed the structure, I went through this blog, in search of the perfect article to present to this organisation which then, I had highly looked at. I was heartbroken, who would've thought someone employed with their own column, would actually take the words of a 16-17 year old and claim it as their own without consent or even knowledge of anyone else other than the author herself, ME!

I just remember an idea going through my head and kept the said published work, where I thought was the safest for my future use.

Well months went on, with other events in life, it eventually slipped my mind. Also, to my bad luck, the said published work went missing. I've tried looking for elsewhere, but where can I search for something that's undated in my mind?

So yeah.. I think that should be about it for now, its almost lunch time. Gotta run! Hope i'll come back soon!

August 03, 2017

Ziq Jezta
Sepol -GingSetable
Nina C