Im guessing noone told you how much I loved you.
Guessing, thats why you didnt get it.
July 23, 2012
Monday, July 09, 2012
There are alot of things i wish i could say to you but i cant. And i cant say i've
forgotten cause i haven't. I wish could give you all those typical things people wish for you, but i know
you're already blessed. But i still happen to be one of those who'll wish you a happy birthday. Happy birthday, M.
July 09, 2012
Friday, July 06, 2012
Met his circle of people. Dont know what I wouldve done if he was there.
Lighter note;
Chill sesh tomorrow?hope itll all go well.
July 06, 2012
Fatin Tajuddin
"That's embarassing, that that's the type of person, that I fell in love with. So faaaar in love, so unconditional, that I went back" - Rihanna.♥