Wednesday, August 12, 2009
So for the past few days, the thing that has been spinning my world is this 'poklen' issue, it all started with an invite for a group, to plots, an well apparently on going schemes. Well, it didnt really spun my world, it just rocked the boat for abit, despite other things.So yeah, mean,mindless remarks were posted and all that, amplifying small matter to become a worldwide menace - well at least in their err..intelligent views. Put the impression that your country has nothing to offer but
scumbags and
delirious losers, to the world, itll boost our country's pride. Remarks like *memalukan Brunei saja - *put shame to Brunei - makes you much of a hypocrite just as the next person you label. I remember back in my Sociology class, touching on a topic of 'Racism' my sir stated that,
'those who even thought of the word 'racism' itself, is a racist themselves' well not that I remember his exact words, but that was the message he was trying to deliver.
Well not directly saying youre a 'poklen' just because youre using the word as in the case of racism, BUT COME ON!Youre clever enough to have remarks on 'dropout poklenders' use those clever senses to get what I mean, and I am pretty sure, I'm making this as direct as possible. I btw, am a loser, who got off Alevels, so Im pretty sure, my vocabulary is not as astonishing as yours are, dear intelligent public. Since you find it irresistably wrong/poklen - as your vocabulary would imply -to spell malay words differently e.g aku to aqu but its perfectly alright to spell english words differently e.g like to loike..whats the difference?Dont they both seem annoying to you, or you find westerners more right?
But if so why would something like this; "
Anti Poklen Community - here's a topic. Are guys or girls that are what we say "gatal" are considered poklen? I mean the ones that urat any guys or girls they see that's hot. And pandai sudah bebuat buat sexual stuff before kawin ani?" - come up? This is if you hadnt realised what is depicted on televison are the ways the society you look up to live their lives.
And ohh please, dont be such a 'clever-ass' like this person
"*** ***** wroteat 07:16 on 10 August 2009
BWAHAHAHA!! Wow..i seriously agree wid u guys. Those words ruining our mother tongue! We must protect our Malay slang!I see...kamu rupanya buat dis cause haha! *name~ *name~" thats like hypocrite written all over..-_-" like, I bet, this person, would criticise anyone, ANYONE, who speaks in a 'melandih' tune..well thats at the least!
So what message are you trying to spread out? What exactly are you trying to prove by creating a community or group to resist a subculture?
These 'poklens' are just simply another subculture if you can see, and if you learnt/is learning sociology, you might realise that. Just let them be, just as you are in your subcultures, of perhaps you might label yourselves as the 'cool' ones. You cant expect everyone to be in your circle, to live the way you live, let them pop up, for all you SHOULD care, is if perhaps, they're intruding your personal lives, took your girlfriend/boyfriend/husband/wife/fiance away?or did they do that already?
So yeah on a what more lighter side of this topic..
I prefer reading a somewhat more intellectual post on this, than read nonsense rambling how much you people hate 'poklens'. something from the soul
August 12, 2009