Thursday, November 13, 2008
1.How old are you?
` im seventeen..=D
2. are you single?
` hmmm..thats for me to know, and you to find out..=D and dont ask me lagi sudah you find out..-_-"
3. in what age do you think you’ll get married?
` entah?18 gahaha!OMG!NO!!sudahh aku puas sudah merasa belanja dari gaji ku sendiri lahh..get me a car, get me lots of stuff,!
4. do you think you’ll be marrying the person you are with now??
` entah?ya pinang aku secretly pulang sudah..=x LOL!
5. if not, who do you want to marry?
` *cough* hanya tuhan yang tahu..YAAAHHHH!!
6. do you want a garden/beach wedding, or the traditional wedding?
` i want my nikah di pantai, majlis berbedak ku di garden, sanding atas a float - wedding ku mesti basar2an semua org mesti tau, well I'll have all the traditions of a bruneian/tutong wedding but the places would vary HAHAHAHA!
7. your ideal motif?
` for what?
8. where do you plan to go on a honeymoon?
` aku mau Sicily, Italy..HAHA..omg!
9. how many guests do you think you’ll invite?
` i zont know.
10. do you want an extravagant wedding or a simple wedding?
` told you i want a basar2an wedding, i guess you didnt understand that, I want an extravagant wedding, well not as extravagant as i pictured it tadi pulang, labih2 jua ku.
11. do you want the traditional vows or something you’d make up on your own??
` made up vow..there's not traditional vows kali ahh..or ada tapi aku inda
12. how many layers of cake do you want to have?
` 5
13. do you prefer having your reception at a hotel or at a simple place?
` a lousy hotel or beautiful simple place or cana??
14. when do you want to get married, evening or morning?
` evening kali?
15. you’d rather have your reception outdoors or indoors?
` outdoors perhaps, or indoors if the place is waayyyyy awesome!
16. do you like a grand entrance for your groom?
` jangantah aku saja!xP
17. name the song/tune you’d like played at your wedding??
` "let's chill"?xP or "If only for one night" or "Miss independent" slow version..LOL!or entahh inda ku mikir kan..
18. do you want a solemn ceremony or a light one?
` Light?
19. what age do you want to get married?
` esuk tah ku kawin luan majal ani!
20. describe your ideal husband/wife.
` understanding okay thats all i can think of now.
21. do you prefer fine dining or just the normal spoon & fork/knife?
` spoon&fork/knife i hate not knowing which spoons to use for which course, but it is "adventurous"lol
22. champagne or red wine?
` ahhh..teh tarik satu!haha apakan~
23. honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
` ahhhhh..right after..pasal ada masih the "wedding feel"
24. money or household item?
` money?i can get cheap household items then the rest i get my stuff..or just live with my!karit
25. who will pay for the bills?
` the groom!ya jua mau kawin sama aku..xP
26. are you ready for married life?
` errr..entah?
27. do u think you will still be a virgin until u get married?
` -_-" dumbass jua question nya ani
28. will u always be true to your wife/husband?
` will he always be true to me?=))
29. how many kids do u like?
` ahhhhhhh~
30. a new house for a newly wed or an old one?
` is the new house given as a wedding present??
31. will u celebrate silver wedding, gold wedding, or diamond wedding?
` DIAMOND!pasal aku diamond..*kelip*
32. what kind of cuisine would u like for ur wedding?
` okay..detail jua barang ni..i havent thought of it, i'll get back to you when i have.
33. will u record ur honeymoon in a cd or dvd?
` perhaps..
34. whose wedding plans would you like to know next??? choose 5 of your friends?
diamonds ku!xD
Labels: Random, survey
November 13, 2008